Why do we need a daily schedule?
Because life is time and time is life. Every second is the currency we’re spending to stay among the living ones and the moment we run out of it, we move out of it. The value of time shall rise when the fact that how much are we left with is unknown is pondered upon.
Do you value time?
Everyone of a different mindset, some tend to waste time without even realizing it. Some are well aware of the worth of considering each and every second precious.
Even talented people with very good skills sometimes overlook the importance of time and a daily schedule and lose their efficiency. Some might even have good communication skills and might give a good presentation on the importance of daily schedule but might not be able to implement the same in their own lives. Psychologically you might need some motivation to get yourself on track, we have some.

This is our ultimate resource which we trade for anything we want in the world. Skill for the price of time, knowledge for the price of time, money, joy, wealth, relationship, you name it.
Everything comes at the price of time, you need to spend this asset for your personality development. And that’s why you need to plan how you spend your time. Still, need me to convince you? Read further:
1. You’ll be healthy if you follow a daily schedule:
Whether you are working, studying, playing, or even eating or sleeping, make a daily schedule. Because if you do it on time, your body will adjust accordingly and will respond correspondingly on time.
Two papers published in the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society found that adults who consume meals at the same time every day were less obese and that their cholesterol and insulin levels were better, even though their consumption of calories was more overall. When to eat is just as important as what to eat.
And it’s not just about eating it’s about everything we do.
2. You are programmed for progress

If you know what you’re doing with your time, you can better utilize it. I mean, nobody wants to waste a life, intentionally at least. So if you know where your time is being utilized you’ll make better use of it and this will take you towards betterment. Because the utilization of time with a daily schedule is what earns you whatever good exists out there.
You use it right and you earn something out of it, sometimes materialistic sometimes more than that.
Easy to not procrastinate
You have some important project to finish, maybe just a file to work on. Whenever you think about it, it makes you anxious and you get stressed, not enough to start working on it though.
Then comes the day when you are supposed to submit it, and you’re like rushing for a missing train. You don’t get in action until threatened by immediate consequences.
Socrates and Aristotle called it, Akrasia. The behavior in which you do a thing when you must be doing something else, something more important. Behavior, when you defy your rational judgment of utilization of time, is procrastination. Putting it simply, Akrasia lacks self-control.
The thought that you are not in control of yourself itself is so painful. Knowing that you are literally wasting your time consciously? Come on, it’s your life, decide what’s right for you.
Normally future long-term rewards and consequences aren’t very effective to avoid this, you need to bring them to the present moment. Convince yourself that you’ll get motivation after you begin, having a daily schedule is of huge aid to avoid such situations.
4. Hard work is your routine in a daily schedule:
We all know that there are only staircases and no elevators to succeed. If you have a daily schedule, then you’re bound to work. In fact, you’ll be obliged to rather get the work done. And that gives you regularity in your hard work. And for us humans, anything we do regularly, gets easier for us as we get better at it.
So your hard work will be inculcated in your daily schedule, and hence it won’t be that hard after all.
5. You’ll value your life
As I said, time is life, if you value your time, then you’re valuing your life. And mind it, no one will ever value your life if you yourself won’t. If you give importance to your time, others will respect it and you earn that value. Otherwise, losing your worth is just unavoidable. You set your own value, and if you have a strict daily schedule, you’re telling everyone how precious your life is.
6. A daily schedule will help you prioritize your work

If you already know how are you going to spend your time through your pre-programmed daily schedule, then you know how much time you have. And if know it already then you can plan it accordingly.
We often have events and situations which need immediate attention and hence time. If you see them coming then you can make a room for them. As you can see where is the daily schedule could you accommodate it. Even if it has to be at the cost of some other task, you know which one shall it be.
As I said, time is life, if you value your time, then you’re valuing your life. And mind it, no one will ever value your life if you yourself won’t. If you give importance to your time, others will respect it and you earn that value. Otherwise, losing your worth is just unavoidable. You set your value, and if you have a strict daily schedule, you’re telling everyone how precious your life is.
7. You’ll get your work done:
Don’t you want to feel complacent when it’s time to end the day? And having self-satisfaction not boost your self-respect and motivational level? It of course will. Because you had a day just as you thought, in fact just as you wanted.
You were up to your expectations, you expected to spend the day as scheduled and finish your tasks for the day.
Following a daily schedule will leave you with less to regret about. Remember, hard work always brings satisfaction, and laziness always results in regret.
The pleasant feeling of having no dues is worth all the pain you go through to achieve that. And the pain is most at the initial stages, trust me, later on, it subsides for good.
8. The circadian clock is a daily schedule
It’s not only your conscious self but also your organs, that respond to your daily schedule. Because they all have their own daily schedules and they are way more punctual than you could be.
According to a recent study in the University of California body’s various circadian clocks can operate independently from the central clock in the hypothalamus of the brain.
May it be, the stomach, liver, pancreas, or brain, they are happy if they have their daily schedule followed strictly. You’ll find it a lot easier to work when it’s time because your organs and parts will be prepared for that moment. And you, my friend, get healthier that way.