Nowadays, so many people are going through the problem of overthinking. They all have the same question In their minds, that is how to stop overthinking. The reason why they all have that question in their minds is because of the following reasons.
The effects of overthinking
Overthinking is destroying our lives. A scientific fact states that people who normally think their brain tends to work well, and the people who overthink their IQ levels go down continuously.
Whether you are a student, a job holder, or in any other profession, so many of us are going through this problem. It is difficult for any person to be in peace these days because we will be thinking of something or the other always.
When we are thinking of one thing, another thought comes to our mind then another it continues and affects us a lot.
If you are a student, you will have the tension of marks. If you are a job holder, you will have the stress of work these kinds of factors make your mind always think of something or the other.
According to science, overthinking is making us weak and destroying our lives. Stamford studies also prove that overthinking reduces the creativity of your brain and slows down the growth of your mind. Overthinking even affects the efficiency of the neurons.
According to scientific research, a person nearly gets around 70,000 different thoughts out of which 95% are non-useful thoughts. How many times does this happen in our lives that the solution to a problem is straightforward, but we overthink that problem and make it even more difficult.
A famous African proverb states that when there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.
By following these techniques below, we can get a solution to the question of how to stop overthinking.
1. How to stop overthinking by using Awareness
You must become aware of what is going on inside of your head, and that sounds simple enough. Still, many of us never realize that there’s some negative stuff happening up there, and instead, we choose to act like everything is fine.
Are you overthinking? Are you thinking negatively? Well, admit it. Because otherwise, you won’t change a thing, but when you actually make it clear to yourself that you don’t like what’s going on, and you begin to be aware of it, now you can start to make a real change.
You can keep a thought journal, writing down your thoughts as they come up, at least the most noticeable things. Even if they are negative, it’ll help you to start to get an overview of what’s happening in your mind, after this it’ll be much easier to make the changes you want to make because you’ll know what’s going on.
2. Stay positive
People generally start to overthink because they are scared and they worry about all of the possible things that can go wrong. Instead of that, start to picture all of the things that can go right, and keep those positive thoughts in the front of your mind.
This type of positive thinking is also called reframing, and it can help build resiliency. So the question now might not be how to stop overthinking, but actually how to change the tune of your thoughts.
3. Meditation

Use meditation not just because it’s good for you and you should. Meditate because it’ll help you get what you want. When you train your mind with simple techniques like focusing on your breathing for 10 mins per day and pulling it back every time it gets distracted, you gain power over it.
Understand that if you don’t train your mind, it is guaranteed to run wild on you, like a crazy chimp. It’ll mess up your state of mind, and in the end, even your life so control it. Use meditation because it works.
Don’t be discouraged if you cannot stay focused in the beginning; simply stay disciplined and continue to practice. This is one of the best and most effective ways to beat overthinking, and it will work for you.
4. Focus on your daily tasks
Another way that you can train your mind quickly is by really focusing on the daily tasks that you are doing, being fully present and aware as you are doing them, and not get caught up by the noise in your head.
When you’re walking outside, breathe the air, and pay attention to your environment, don’t let yourself walk around unconsciously and stuck in your head. Even if you are doing something as simple as watching a video, actually watch the video and tune out the noise going on upstairs in mind.
We get so used to our daily activities after a while that you may notice you are constantly thinking, even if you used to do it with some intense presence and focus in the past. This effect really kicks in once we’ve been doing something for a few years.
5. Separate yourself from your thoughts
This goes hand in hand with training your mind the only time our thoughts can do us real harm is when we identify with them when we begin to think that we are our thoughts. That voice in your head is exactly that, a voice.
You can control it, you can shape it, and when you begin to understand this, you gain massive power over it.

You can use your thinking to help you be productive, but if you let it run on autopilot, it is likely that your life won’t turn out to be the way you wanted. So it’s essential always to steer your thoughts in the right direction.
6. Focus on the present

An essential part of overthinking is to recognize that you can’t change the past, and thinking about it over and over will not help you change anything. While learning from the past is an integral part of growing and maturing, overthinking and ruminating on mistakes, missed opportunities, and other elements of the past are harmful and unproductive.
Once you learnt the lesson you need to learn from a past event, try letting it go of the memory. Don’t think about it consciously, and any time you find yourself thinking about the past try to distract yourself or snap yourself out of that thinking. Always focus on the present moment, which you do have the power to change.
7. Trying not to think is also overthinking.
Don’t get obsessed with the thought that you overthink. Let it be, because if you do, you’re adding to the thoughts and overthinking ultimately.
Remember that overthinking if it’s especially about the negative things is a bad habit. So by implementing the above tips, you can become aware of your thoughts, begin to control them, and also separate yourself from the nonstop stream that goes inside of your head.
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