Being in a relationship with another person requires opening up to each other. Love is not all about looking at each other’s eyes, but looking in the same direction. As much as we try, things don’t always go as planned and we end up wanting to rebuild a broken relationship. It is not easy trying to patch things up and pretend like it never happened before. People get hurt, they cry, and they feel pain.
The reality of it is that people are still in pain because they love still. As they say, we are only affected by the people that we love the most. When you are hoping to have that one more chance moment, think of the following tips and suggestions that you may try to use to hopefully bring back your partner.
Talk to each other, and wholeheartedly offer an ear. There is nothing like realigning each other’s thoughts and opinions, whether about each other or the reason why both of you got into that situation. Listen to your partner and be open-minded. If you felt that you were the one cheated, and your partner is saying reasons why they did it, listen. You might be missing out on something which is why it happened.
Is it because of you?
If you are the one who was the reason your partner got hurt, then be honest and say your part but be totally sincere. A relationship is about two people wanting the same things. Both need to eventually sacrifice something, and if both of you came to an agreement to rebuild a broken relationship, and then work on it together. Both must give and take.
After you have both agreed that you are going to give it another try, let go of the past and never bring it back again. Forgive and forget. There is no sense in going back to each other faults; it will only put more strain on your relationship than help it grow back. Most people who try to make it work again, but keep on dragging the past into their present, usually fail. They end up breaking up, and in pain. Forgiving means accepting the other person fully, flaws and all. Give them a clean slate.
Perfect relationship
There are no perfect relationships or perfect people, only people who are willing to make things perfect. Here are a few figures to help you understand. Understand that people make mistakes and you do too. It may take you both a bit slower to bring back everything to its usual glory but believe that if you both do your part, it will eventually do so. Have faith, both in your love and in the other person. This time, be fully honest and acknowledge it when your partner tries to be as well. It is not always easy to be open, but it is very important. Trust is hard to restore, but it takes two people and extra hard work if you really want to rebuild a broken relationship. Love is stronger so let it flow, and you will never go wrong.
Talk to each other, and wholeheartedly offer an ear. There is nothing like realigning each other’s thoughts and opinions, whether about each other or the reason why both of you got into that situation. Listen to your partner and be open-minded. If you felt that you were the one cheated, and your partner is saying reasons why they did it, listen. You might be missing out on something that is why it happened.
If you are the one who was the reason your partner got hurt, then be honest and say your part but be totally sincere. A relationship is about two people wanting the same things. Both need to eventually sacrifice something, and if both of you came to an agreement to rebuild a broken relationship, and then work on it together. Both must give and take.

What about those who silently weep?
Living with the one they love who thinks they do not exist? You have heard the lines “It was good while it lasted.” What about a relationship that lasts but is not even good?
“You silently watch him sleep. His loud snore is music to your ears. You feel a smile form on your lips as tears freely fell from your eyes when you remember how he tries to ignore you. The man you love is now a stranger. Your tears scream the silent pains of your heart.”
Painful because you allowed yourself to see your relationship with the one you love turn sour. What have YOU done wrong? Are YOU not enough? Relationships are tantamount to contracts and the only difference is in love, there is no such thing as a breach of contract. There’s no law governing that because the heart beats on its own. It can choose to stop when it pleases. It can be a slow death or it can be sudden. You become too caught up building your own idea of a relationship.
Experts say that broken relationships help couples see their dynamics in a relationship but they should not make this wrong turn because it might be more difficult to repair.
Follow these tips and strategies to make your relationship work.
1. Communicate often.
Make a vision-mission statement that the two of you agree on. Relationships are partnerships so both of you must work. Talk about common dreams or goals you want to achieve as a couple and as individuals. Discuss problems you have encountered and resolve them together.
2. Always remind yourself of how you first met and relive the feeling.
3. Make your intimate life as enjoyable as eating chocolate ice cream with roasted almonds, marshmallows,s, and caramel swirls.
4. Turn an argument into an agreement. Focus on the issues and make concrete plans on how they can be resolved. Bury the hatchet. Never ever mention past grievances. What has been buried must remain six feet under.
5. Do not forget that you are two individuals who have different needs and wants. Have time for yourself and let your partner do the same. Allow each other to grow and evolve so your relationship would grow as well. Balance the time that the two of you spend together. Don’t take together forever too literally.
Dealing with a broken relationship helps you and your partner become better persons. You become aware of the importance of the relationship, the value of your partner, and your self–worth. But it is always better if remains intact because it is cherished, treasured, and nurtured. Love, trust, respect, and honor – are the building blocks of your relationship. Freely given, no questions asked so treasure it; for once it is lost, you can never have it back.