7 Healthy habits to change your life

man doing hand stand

These seven healthy habits are scientifically proven to improve our well-being! Perform each of them every day to start changing your life! NEAT NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This is all the activity that burns calories besides exercise. When someone tells you to walk 10,000 steps a day, they’re discussing a way to increase…Read more

Benefits of spanish olives

close up photo of olives

Olives are a great food to consume. They have a lot of health benefits and can be used in many dishes. Olives are a type of fruit that is grown on the olive tree. They have been cultivated for thousands of years and have been a staple in Mediterranean culture for centuries. There are many…Read more

13 Foods That Burn Belly Fat

topless man in beach

Food is life. Correct?  We spend so much of our time thinking about food, prepping it, making it, eating it, and worrying about what it contains whilst we are on a diet.   The best way to lose weight is to exercise and eat healthy foods, both of these combined give you the best chance to shed those unwanted extra…Read more